
Dangerous Internet

Dangerous Internet

Nowadays, the Internet is full of dangerous information for children. Please find below a psychological article about the risks of the Internet content for children.

The psychic apparatus, as well as the physical body, develop gradually. Psychologists and educators make a point that children are not able to process events from the adult life such as violence, adult humour, sexual content. The interest of children in these things is caused by their natural curiosity and wish to model themselves on the adult life. Excessive overload with such information is fraught for a student with the following:

  • Somatic diseases (headaches, stomach-aches, etc.)
  • Sleep disorder
  • Behaviour disorder (aggressiveness, disrespect for adults, provoking behaviour, strong language)
  • Academical difficulties (reluctance to study, memory impairment, attention failure, etc.)
  • Emotional disturbance (fears, depression).

The most dangerous content for children is:

  • Computer games with an abundance of violence as well as Youtube channels of gamers playing such games. The commentators most often have no scruples about using swear words. For example, GTA. In this game, a player feels like being criminal fulfilling such tasks and missions as targeted killing, bank robbery and others. More about this game is told in the movie «The Gamechangers» (2015).
  • Movies with no lack of violence and adult content as well as videos on Youtube demonstrating acts of physical and psychic violence, provocative behaviour, and usage of swear words. The examples are movies «Deadpool», «Kingsman», or «Blade Runner».

Without parental control, children are unprotected in exposure of the adult content.

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