
Gorki tuition fees

Tuition fee depends on the payment date. Tuition fees for the 2024/2025 academic year.


Pre-Nursery and Nursery

2.5-4years old
17 000 EUR by 20 March
18 190 EUR by 30 June
19 380 EUR from 1 July


4-5years old
19 000 EUR by 20 March
20 330 EUR by 30 June
21 660 EUR from 1 July
Primary School KS1 & KS2

Year 1 - Year 4

5-9years old
22 100 EUR by 20 March
23 650 EUR by 30 June
25 190 EUR from 1 July
Primary School KS2

Year 5 - Year 6

9-11years old
23 200 EUR by 20 March
24 820 EUR by 30 June
26 450 EUR from 1 July
Secondary School KS3

Year 7 - Year 9

11-14years old
24 500 EUR by 20 March
26 220 EUR by 30 June
27 930 EUR from 1 July
Secondary School KS4

Year 10 - Year 11

14-16years old
26 300 EUR by 20 March
28 140 EUR by 30 June
29 980 EUR from 1 July
Sixth Form

Year 12 - Year 13

16-18years old
26 900 EUR by 20 March
28 780 EUR by 30 June
30 670 EUR from 1 July

Capital Fee for Nursery and Reception = €0. For other year levels no change = €6 000

All books are included in Tuition Fees for all year levels.

  • Payment Plans (for more information please contact the Admission department).
  • We offer a 5% sibling discount for the 2nd+ child.
  • For corporate agreement please contact the Admissions department.
Additional fees
Entrance fee — 6 000 EUR* per family (not depending on the number of the children).

The entrance fee covers all administration fees including registration. The entrance fee is non-refundable.

School transport (based on availability and route) — 250 000 ₽ per school year. Tuition fees include school meals 3 times a day.

Tuition fees do not include:

  • Transport services
  • Summer courses
  • School uniform

* Payment in roubles at the RF Central Bank exchange rate on the payment date.