
Where do CIS graduates go in 2024?

We interviewed CIS graduates about their plans to graduate from Cambridge International School. Where do they plan to enroll and which specialties are in the greatest demand.

The top three countries are Russia (45% of all applications), the United Kingdom (25%), the United States (6%). They account for three quarters of all applications submitted. In addition to these three countries, CIS graduates plan to enroll in universities in Spain, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Italy, South Korea, France, Austria, etc.

Among the leading universities in Russia are Moscow State University (MSU), Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE).

The choice made by CIS students is very wide, including Syracuse University (USA), University of the Arts London (UK), University of Surrey (UK), Esade University (Spain), Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), University of Economics (Czech Republic) and many others.

The diversity of specialties is even more striking than the long list of universities. There are also popular areas of "Economics" and "Business Administration", as well as Biomedicine, Architecture, Art, Computer Science, Medicine, History, Law, Film making, Philosophy, Marketing, Journalism, Fashion designer, International Relations and Artificial Intelligence.

We wish our students admission to the selected educational institutions!

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