
3 days of Training for the staff by CIE

It has been induction week and staff training at the Cambridge International School this week. New teachers have arrived and many teachers have returned to carry on working at the Cambridge International Schools.

The teaching staff of the Cambridge International School were presented certificates from CIE for training on Assessment for Learning. Both the secondary school staff and the staff of all our primary schools have met at our Skolkovo campus for training delivered by Ailwen Ilet, a trainer from the CIE. The training was engaging and enjoyable and it enabled staff to refresh themselves on the principals of assessment for learning and discover ideas that they have not used before. It gave the heads of department   and phase leader’s guidelines on how to have continual development of assessment for learning whilst delivering their curricula. It also presented us with a possible agenda as to how we   can further implement assessment for learning in to our teaching.

There was a real sense of togetherness at the training and teachers were happy to network with colleagues from other sites and share their experiences.  Many teachers asked for this type of event to become an annual event to get together to help share good practice in our schools.

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