
Charity starts small

At CIS, we show our students that charity is simple. It is available to everyone, regardless of their age and financial capabilities. Even small everyday actions can contribute to a common cause and save someone's life. For example, in January 2024, we supported the initiative of our Student Council and combined Valentine's Day with good deeds. A charity bake sale was organized at the school. The students brought pies, gingerbread, pancakes and dishes from different cuisines of the world. All the money from the sale went to various funds. One of them is the Anton is Here Nearby Foundation for the support of people with autism.

In December, we expanded the number of charity events and added a "Winter Fair" dedicated to the New Year's concert. As part of this fair, we sold children's crafts for 97515 rubles!

In addition, we regularly hold an Art auction at CIS. Students create wonderful creative works and exhibit them to the public. The proceeds are distributed as follows: 15% goes to the authors, the rest is distributed among 3 organizations. In 2024, these were the Center for the Social Rehabilitation of Disabled People and Children with Disabilities in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg; the 3.14 project for targeted assistance to children with cancer, as well as the Anton foundation nearby.

We continue this tradition. In February, we held a bake sale again and supported the Kelts Angels dog shelter.

Thanks to such events, every child sees how his good intentions change the world. We hope that this experience will inspire them to continue helping those in need!

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