
Prestigious schools in England

Prestigious schools in England

Studying in the UK is a guaranteed good start on the way to obtaining brilliant career as famous British schools have established themselves as the best around the world.

A consistently high level of education is based on the unique English educational programs combined with a special integrated approach to learning. Let's put it this way: speaking about the balance between curricula and comprehensive training of pupils in the world, they are the best.

The British education system has been formed over the centuries, relying on the best traditions and experience of past years, which does not prevent it from actively introducing new educational methods and using the most modern technologies, always moving in step with the changing times.

Today in English school, maximum attention is paid to creating a comfortable atmosphere and the all-round development of pupils, and most importantly, the formation of such personalities who have all the qualities necessary for "adult life".

How the best UK schools are determined

In the United Kingdom today there is a huge number of schools (there are about two thousand private schools!). One of the most convenient ways to choose a suitable educational institution is rankings - all kinds of tops based on a variety of parameters.

For example, according to the results of final exams, the national rating is compiled annually. It takes into account the success of graduates of all schools, including private with full-time education and boarding schools. In particular, the top schools in England are considered one of the most reputable and reliable according to the results of the most difficult exam in high school, known as the A-Level.

Authoritative mass media offer their own ratings - for example, the British newspaper The Telegraph. Leading British private schools can also be found in “The world’s most elite boarding schools” list on MSN.

Education in England for foreigners

British educational system has free education only for citizens of the country, non-resident children can try the advantages of English school education only in private primary or secondary schools.

Not all of the leading private schools in England accept foreign students, therefore, institutions that open their doors to foreigners are of particular interest to us. Here are some of the best:

  • Westminster School (London, founded in 1179) is the oldest privileged boarding school for 750 students, at the end of 2019 it took the 1st place in the ranking according to the results of A-level and 3rd according to the results of GCSE (exams in elementary school). It offers a variety of educational programs and comfortable conditions for pupils (11 residences). It specializes in classical liberal arts education. Children of more than 30 nationalities study here.
  • Queen Ethelburga's College (Yorkshire, York, founded in 1912) consistently holds the top positions in various ratings. The College is known for the real international environment created within its walls: in addition to the British, representatives of 54 countries of the world study here. It is also famous for its cosy accommodation in the bosom of picturesque British nature (its own garden, pond, lawns for relaxation). The school traditionally teaches children of politicians, diplomats and lawyers of the world level, heirs of monarch families.
  • Brighton College (Brighton, East Sussex, founded in 1845) offers primary and secondary school services to 900 students. The popularity of the college among foreigners is due to the excellent conditions for students who feel at home here. In teaching great attention is paid to the development of thinking. About a quarter of graduates devote themselves to art, almost a third choose scientific or engineering professions, every tenth goes to medicine - 98% of Brighton College students enter British universities.
  • Concord College (Shropshire County, Shrewsbury, founded in 1949) is a high school with 420 students, 60% of them are foreigners. It has an area of ​​20 hectares with its own excursion object (the ruins of an old English castle). The popularity of the institution is due, first of all, to the high results of academic preparation and a large percentage of graduates entering the most famous universities, including the famous Oxford.

Features of enrollment in private schools

Admission to the elite schools of foggy Albion formally differs little from the procedure for admission to less famous educational institutions: applicants must fill out an application form and submit an author's essay, when entering a secondary school, documents and recommendations from the previous place of study will be required (a list of grades), foreigners will have to confirm the required level of knowledge of the English language.

Of course, the requirements for language proficiency and academic success of those entering prestigious educational institutions are much higher, which significantly complicates the admission of schoolchildren from abroad.

In addition, the most prestigious schools in England are known not only for the highest level of education, but also for the equally high level of the cost of educational services: studying in one of the famous educational institutions costs from £ 30 thousand per year.

One of the great opportunities for Russians to join the age-old traditions of English education without leaving their home country and with the chance for further admission to prestigious universities in England is the British school CIS International School with campuses in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Tashkent.

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