
Cambridge books

Dear Parents!

We can confirm that from the 1st of September 2014 we will be using the new Cambridge Primary science, Cambridge primary mathematics, Cambridge Global English, Cambridge handwriting and Cambridge ICT starters with all our children in primary and lower secondary school from year one to year nine.

The teachers planning and preparation will be based around the units of each of the schemes and assessment will be done at the end of each unit in science and at the same time periodic assessment of ICT, mathematics and English. In addition each unit taught in maths and English will have a unit assessment at the end of each unit.

To support your children you will need to purchase the relevant text books for each series. You are advised to buy the books for the year group your child will be studying. Stage 3 is year 3, stage 4 year etc.

These books can be ordered and bought at:

Компания «Британия Холдинг» Москва

Компания «Британия» Санкт-Петербург

понедельник-пятница, 09:00-19:00

+7 (495) 786-25-68,

115184, г. Москва, ул. Большая Татарская, д. 7

понедельник-пятница, 09:00-19:00

(812) 712-10-41 / 764-77-31 (факс)

191025, г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Марата, д. 10, оф. 25

It is also possible to buy them from or on line, just copy the ISBN number of the title and paste in the search box at the or and you will find the book that you need to order. Amazon ships the books to Russia within 3 to 7 days depending on the courier company you will select during the purchase.

You can also buy books from Cambridge University Press (note that Cambridge organise delivery within European Union).

If you are not sure which books are relevant for your children then please do not hesitate to contact school for more information.