
Interesting Facts about University of Cambridge

Interesting Facts about University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge has over 100 libraries. The central library alone (the Cambridge University library, or the ‘UL’) has approximately 8 million volumes, and is able to request a free copy of every book published in the UK and Ireland. Another of its well-known libraries, the Wren Library, the Trinity college library, hosts A.A. Milne’s manuscript of Winnie-the-Pooh, books from Isaac Newton’s personal library, and early Shakespeare editions.

Affiliates of Cambridge University have won 116 Nobel Prizes, the second most of any institution in the world. Nobel Prizes have been won by Cambridge affiliates in every category. Frederick Sanger, Nobel laureate in Chemistry from St John’s College and a fellow of King’s College, is one of a very small handful of Nobel laureates who has won the Nobel Prize twice!

Mr. Marat, Cambridge Exam Officer

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