
Christmas concert - 5

Next week on Monday and Tuesday we will be having assessment tasks (tests), these will be to help the teachers assess where the children are and inform their planning for next term. In line with best practice in International Schools the results are not published because they are diagnostic and not simple 'out of 20’ etc tests. However, there is an opportunity for teachers to discuss these tests with you at the parent teacher meetings in January. 

Please can you remember to let us know if your child is ill, so that we can record their absences accurately. Also, we do need to make you aware that the children’s target attendance figure is 95%, this is the equivalent to 1 day absent a month. Any more than this and the children run the risk of falling behind in their work, or at least not achieve their full potential. This is especially important here in the Early Years where social skills, motor skills, speech and phonics learning all markedly important. This is due to the particular developmental stage that these children are at from ages 3-6.


Best wishes
Mr Tim Aviss