
Tashkent news: all schools must close for from Monday 16th March 2020.

Dear parents,
As I am sure you are aware, we are presently in the midst of a global pandemic. The likes of which is unprecedented.

We have today been informed by the Ministry of Education that all schools must close for from Monday 16th March 2020.

  • This week we will set up and implement distance learning platforms so our teachers may continue to educate your children remotely. We will have these in place within the next few days and will update you with how to access this work as soon as possible. All students will receive a weekly Learning pack, with homework, recommended books, online tasks, exam preparation sheets and other learning materials. We kindly ask you to provide all support to your child and encourage to an effective selflearning period.
  • All school events and planned tournaments will be rescheduled to a later period.
  • Also, we will be cancelling our international trip to London and Oxford due to the present situation. We will be in touch with regards to payments once we have spoken with the tour company.
  • We highly recommend all families to stay in Uzbekistan and avoid travels outside of the country to any destination. Please kindly avoid public places and events. All these measures will help our school to start onsite learning in a safe way.
  • CIS officially confirms there are no identified cases of Novel Coronavirus among our students, parents and staff. We hope our preventive measures will continue to be effective.
  • CIS Leadership will continue to meet regularly to evaluate and offer direction regarding this situation. 
We thank you in advance for your support and patience whilst we all deal with this situation and rest assured that we will do all we can to make sure there is as little disruption to our children’s education as possible.

Carl Bates, Head of CIS Tashkent