
Maslenitsa Fun Day

On the Thursday of Maslenitsa week, the Primary students all gathered together for a day of fun and games. Every year group mixed together to form groups that rotated around different activities, such as sledding, tug of war, obstacle courses, broomstick chases and the favourite of the day, a ride in a horse and carriage. Each child also got to spend their hard- earned Atlantic dollars at the fantastic Maslenitsa stall and no-one came away empty-handed! We all made wishes for the future as we tied ribbons to the Maslenitsa tree and joined together to sing and dance around the Maslenitsa doll to banish the snow and cold away. It was a wonderful start to Spring!

It was the turn of the children in Kindergarten on the Friday morning. The children were again split into teams which included members from each of the classes. The children participated in a number of fun activities which included: fun at the playground, races, football games and the obstacle course. The children then proceeded to hang their Maslenitsa wishes on the tree and said goodbye to winter and the Maslenitsa doll.

A special thanks to Ms Nastya(Dance), Mr Ryan, Ms Olga, Ms Nastya(Art), Ms Tatyana, Mr Runar and Ms Holly. It was a wonderful start to Spring!