
CIS Alumni Association

CIS Alumni
Alumni association is the community of CIS International School graduates.

This association created for providing a variety of benefits and services that help alumni maintain connections to the school and fellow graduates. This association supports new alumni and provides a possibility to form new friendships and business relationships with people of similar backgrounds.

Engagement will include a broad set of activities, including event attendance, online presence on social media, online mentoring, active communication, volunteering, and donations, creating career services, creating a mentoring program.

CIS Alumni

The importance of alumni engagement is embedded in the CIS culture. All alumni relations initiatives are aimed at building bigger and stronger networks, including alumni success stories and alumni pride.

Ambassadors of CIS
Alumni Association

We are glad to introduce you CIS Alumni Association team.

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University Acceptances

Passing EGE and international exams allows our graduates to enter universities all over the world.

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Current news and events of the CIS Alumni Association.



Alumni Newsletter and publications.


