
Anastasia Lyamzina

Cambridge Teacher, Early Years

Anastasia Lyamzina




Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Tatar republic
  1. Bachelor of Art in English Language

  2. Bachelor of Art in Russian Language.

I qualified as a Russian and English teacher in 2018 and for the last 5 years I’ve been working as a learning assistant in KS1. During my work at CIS, I’ve gained valuable experience team teaching, substituting lessons with different class teachers, leading phonics lessons and planning and preparing grammar and ESL lessons. Working with children privately in the past has inspired me to becoming a lead influencer in their life as a leader in the classroom. My position as a teacher is to integrate learning and use cross curricular skills to help improve children’s learning in other subjects. Children are able to communicate better, read, count, develop imagination and creativity, enrich their horizons and have the ability to enjoy and use these experiences to achieve in all subjects. I also am passionate about Arts and Crafts and I am able to apply these skills into my teaching and daily lessons.

Anastasia Lyamzina
Skolkovo Campus

The Skolkovo campus is located in the western part of Moscow in the vicinity of the Skolkovo Innovation Centre, surrounded by a national park and numerous sports fields.