
Lyubov Tikhomirova

Russian Language and Literature Teacher

Lyubov Tikhomirova




Adygeya State University, qualification "Teacher of Russian language and literature"

1 qualification category. Teaching experience of 35 years, 7 years teaching at Cambridge International School.Many years of experience as an expert of USE. Was "Teacher of the Year". Many letters of commendation for excellent work in education not only from schools, but also from public organizations. Including diplomas and commendations CIS for professionalism: successful preparation of students for the USE, USE in Russian language, extracurricular work.Also in 2022-2023 academic year children successfully passed the examinations of the USE and USE in Russian language. I am fond of journalism: I have experience in the holding company - on television and newspaper. For many years led a children's journalistic club, also in CIS, where we together with children were published in the magazine "YOUNGZINE". I continue to write articles and now. In my work with children I pay great attention to the development of their curiosity, integrity, communication, readiness to change. I also encourage children to strive for self-development. I also encourage creativity. I have a great experience of working with projects of different levels. I often conduct non-standard lessons-projects, where students show creativity, original thinking, expanding their horizons. I am constantly improving my qualifications by attending courses and taking part in webinars. I also took part in this academic year-"Cycle of events "International Week of Pedagogy". I received gratitude for working in the jury of the international educational Olympiad in Russian language "Gramotei" for pupils of 7-11 grades in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards, Federal State Educational Standards, gratitude for the preparation of a student of the 8th grade in the essay contest, where she took 2nd place. Also for preparing a student for the Olympiad in Russian language, where he became the winner of the school stage. My pedagogical credo: "A student is not a vessel to be filled, but a torch to be lit...A teacher is a candle that shines to others, burning itself." (Giovanni Ruffini).

Lyubov Tikhomirova
Skolkovo Campus

The Skolkovo campus is located in the western part of Moscow in the vicinity of the Skolkovo Innovation Centre, surrounded by a national park and numerous sports fields.