Marna Greyling

Cambridge Teacher, Primary School

Marna Greyling


I am a teacher-mother-friend-artist who was born and raised in South Africa. I obtained my 4 year B.Sc. Consumer Science degree and postgraduate Teaching diploma in Pretoria, South Africa. Apart from the times I took off to raise my babies, I have been teaching since 1995, and I'm still loving it.

Seven years ago I came to Russia for one year only, but was unable to leave this beautiful and amazing country. I love teaching my very special CIS children, and find each and every one of them fascinating. I have a great sense of humour, I love movies and decorating, but hate driving (plus I'm also not good at that). I also love dogs and dream of one day getting my own dog, a Russian Terrier maybe?

Marna Greyling
Gorki Campus

The school is located in just 17 km away from Moscow, in the Cottage village “Berezki”. The newly built separate school and kindergarten buildings are equipped with modern facilities and have great transport accessibility.