
Christmas assembly

On the 20th of December we finished off the school term with our Christmas assembly. This was a great celebration of the hard work put in by the children from very beginning of the year.

First of all Ms Karen thanked all of the children for the generous gifts the children had donated for the shoebox appeal. Support for this appeal was tremendous, thank you again to all of those of donated gifts so kindly.

We then celebrated the children who have perfect attendance records so far this school year. These children have not missed one school day and their punctuality is fantastic. Well done to those who received certificates.

The children were then finally put out of their misery as the results of the house point’s competition were announced. The children have been working hard to earn points for their houses, and the race to win the house cup was very tight. The results are as follows:

  • 1st Place – The Himalayas team
  • 2nd Place – The Alps team
  • 3rd Place – The Urals team
  • 4th Place – The Atlas team
  • Well done to the children involved, and remember when we return next year there are plenty more house points to be earned.

    Finally we said our goodbyes to Ms Kathleen. We are very sad to see her leaving but we wish her the very best in the future.

    Merry Christmas everyone and have a fantastic New Year!